Mt. Rainier via The Disappointment Cleaver Route

Route Map

This was a climb of the "standard" route, which has surprisingly been climbed very little this year due to the fact that RMI has not been guiding on this route. Our team consisted of Tom Thompson, Chris Mattson, Ilon Logan, Andy Johnson, Debby Johnson, and of course myself. A certain person on the team insisted that the climb have a name or a cause, most every name had already been taken, but I doubt there has ever been a "The Climb For Clean Underwear". This was a great team of people who made the entire climb a pleasure, thanks everyone!

With the exception of a 20 minute snow storm as we approached Ingraham Flat, the weather was cooperative. Everyone on the team successfully made it to the summit! Congratulations Chris, Debby and Ilon for your first Rainier summit, Tom for his second and Andy for his third.